Speaking Honestly When the Truth Hurts (Satya)
As we practice satya (truthfulness) on our yoga mat, that means opening ourselves to the truth . . . and un-deceiving ourselves of beliefs that may be doing us harm.
As we practice satya (truthfulness) on our yoga mat, that means opening ourselves to the truth . . . and un-deceiving ourselves of beliefs that may be doing us harm.
When you’re living in a pandemic, your choices impact others in a real and permanent way. As a person with Cystic Fibrosis (CF), my health and well-being depends on others consistently choosing kindness over fear.
The Yamas and Niyamas are conscious choices that we make in our daily lives and in our interactions with others, as we choose to offer love to all creatures and to the earth itself.
Like many in the CF world out there, my brain has has been going 100 miles a minute thinking about COVID-19 and the tornado of destruction and phlegm left in its path. I know for me personally, when things like this happen one of the hardest things to do is to S L O W D O W N.
We talk so much about how the practice of yoga can help with our daily lives, but we don’t often take the time to talk about how. To start, I’d like to delve a little deeper into a concept that you might already be familiar with— “Riding the wave.”
CF Yogi just got a really nice writeup in Cystic Fibrosis News Today! This story gives some behind-the-scenes of how we got started.
While studies to date have shown that exercise isn’t a substitute for airway clearance on its own, the two can potentially work together in a synergistic way to maximize the benefits of physiotherapy.
The chakras can help us understand the physical and emotional messages we receive from our bodies, from our fundamental physiological needs to our creative needs that open the full-flower of our human potential.
Living the life of a CF caregiver can be immensely rewarding, but also challenging. Yoga for Caregivers is all about letting go of the control of life that we hold onto so tightly, as we learn to find joy in surrendering to the flow.