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This will be a class focusing on the functional movements of the body throughout practice! This class allows us to move in a way that supports the wellness and movability of the whole body!

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This class focuses on grounding and slowing our practice down to unwind the day and awaken your inner intentions. Compliment the changing of the seasons outside with this practice that will nourish you and cultivate roots to ground you even if things around you seem ever-changing.

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Kripalu yoga is a gentle and meditative practice that links breath with flowing motion. This class focuses on the arrival of the spring equinox!

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This will be a gentle/moderate flow with meditation and introspection in alignment with the teachings from “The Four Agreements” (a previous CF Yogi Book Club read).

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Often called “meditation in motion,” Kripalu yoga is a gentle and meditative practice that links breath with flowing motion.