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Awaken your body and spirit with an energizing flow to ease your body into motion and open the possibility to allow for more functionality throughout and ease throughout the day.

Vitality Flow with Kellie

Vitality Flow with Kellie

Join us for a flow class focused on vitality in the new year! Whether you are seeking self care, physical health, mental well-being, or spiritual centeredness, move through this flow as you focus on your unique intentions for growth and...

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You must be logged in as a registered CF Yogi member to view this page. Our program is free to the CF community, but you must register to participate! If you're a person living with cystic fibrosis, parent/caregiver, spouse/partner, other family member or close...

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You must be logged in as a registered CF Yogi member to view this page. Our program is free to the CF community, but you must register to participate! If you're a person living with cystic fibrosis, parent/caregiver, spouse/partner, other family member or close...