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You must be logged in as a registered CF Yogi member to view this page. Our program is free to the CF community, but you must register to participate! If you're a person living with cystic fibrosis, parent/caregiver, spouse/partner, other family member or close...Restricted content
Get your shine on in this gentle, flowing practice that focuses on revealing our inner light. Experience gentle movement guided by the pace of your own breath. Plus, each week will explore a lesson from the yoga sutras about how to uncover, nourish, and brighten our inner light.
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Join Martha on the mat for an invigorating yoga flow suitable for all levels. As we enter the vibrant season of summer, let’s ground ourselves together and bloom as a community.
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This will be a class focusing on the functional movements of the body throughout practice! This class allows us to move in a way that supports the wellness and movability of the whole body!