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As a caretaker, or someone with Cf today, we are being pushed to speed up to keep up. So I make this slow down flow my passion. Bringing us back to our bodies, and back to our breath so we can be the best versions of ourselves
As a caretaker, or someone with Cf today, we are being pushed to speed up to keep up. So I make this slow down flow my passion. Bringing us back to our bodies, and back to our breath so we can be the best versions of ourselves
Ignite your inner radiance and embrace transformative yoga in our “starlight and sutras” class. Experience gentle, flowing movements guided by your breath, while exploring the wisdom of yoga sutras to nourish and brighten your inner light. Join us to cultivate strength, flexibility, and tranquility, and discover the power of mindfulness and self-acceptance. All levels welcome. Let your light shine on and off the mat.
Get your shine on in this gentle, flowing practice that focuses on revealing our inner light. Experience gentle movement guided by the pace of your own breath. Plus, each week will explore a lesson from the yoga sutras about how to uncover, nourish, and brighten our inner light.
Join Heather to take advantage of the warmer weather by gently tapping into our strength! This class starts with gentle movement to check in with the body, followed by a bit of strengthening to take advantage of the warm temperature’s effects on the body and movement.