December Comfort

December Comfort

See what our CF Yogi Instructor Heather has to say about her December Class: December Comfort I often like to reflect the seasonal shifts in my yoga offerings. This time of year can be overwhelming in many ways. The sun turning away from us in the northern hemisphere,...

New Year…

CF Yogi Instructor Kellie It’s Kellie- Welcome to the New Year! The New Year can mean a lot of things to different people. Some detest it because it puts pressure to make goals or resolutions. Some love it because it is the opportunity for growth, new dreams,...
Meet Kellie – CF Yogi’s newest teacher!

Meet Kellie – CF Yogi’s newest teacher!

Hello CF Yogis! Please allow me to introduce myself to this amazing facet of our CF community that I am so fortunate to be a part of. My name is Kellie Jorgensen, I am 33 years old and thriving with Cystic Fibrosis and currently live in Washington State. I love the...