CF Yogi just got a really nice writeup in Cystic Fibrosis News Today! This story gives some behind-the-scenes of how we got started, the spark of an idea that grew when our co-founders Katie and Myra met, and what we accomplished in our first year.
For Giaffoglione and Malik, CF Yogi is as much about building up a community as it is improving CF patients’ health. People with CF, the CFF advises, must stay at least six feet apart to lower the risk of cross-infection. The online connection bridges that physical limit.
“At the time there wasn’t anything at all like what we were offering with live classes,” Giaffoglione said. “Bringing people together in a live space has been pretty awesome.”
One mother, preferring to remain anonymous, regularly attended CF Yogi’s online classes to try to learn coping strategies for her daughter with CF, who was anxious about procedures at a local clinic. She eventually reached out to Giaffoglione and they set up a one-on-one session to help calm the girl.
Malik, an opera singer, wrote a song for the girl to remember:
Noticing my fingers, noticing my toes
Listen to the breath in my throat and nose
I am safe, I belong
I am love and love is strong– Cystic Fibrosis News Today
Click through the link below to read the whole thing!