
We’re happy to share the results of our CF Yogi Participant Follow-Up Survey that 70 program registrants completed between February 18-21, 2021. This survey included questions about the impacts of yoga practice observed by our program participants. It also included questions about the way life has changed for people with CF over the past two years; when we held our first class on  January 1, 2019, highly-effective CFTR modulators were not yet available, and the 2020 pandemic was in nobody’s crystal ball. These survey results will help us to guide our vision for 2021 and beyond.

To view the interactive report below, click the yellow button that reads “View Interactive Content.” You may then choose to expand the viewer to full screen mode using the horizontal arrow icon in the bottom right corner.

Page controls at the bottom of the viewer allow you to navigate through the five pages of the report and the filters at the top of each page can be used to narrow your lens on the respondents answers to the required questions of “Relationship to CF” and “Who the survey was completed on behalf of” or the optional questions to pwCF including “Age”, “Highly effective CFTR modulator therapy availability” and “Current estimated FEV1 percentage.”

Cross-filtering throughout the report pages allows you to select a value in one visual see related date in other visuals highlighted.  Use this feature to see, for example, how valuable CF Yogi has been for those respondents who reported having been most isolated during the COVID-19 pandemic (electing “5” on a scale of 0-5) by clicking on the bar representing those respondents on page two.